Business book reading club
started its first meeting in July, 2018 and has a meeting every Saturday. The reason why the business book reading meeting started is because we thought that we would have an opportunity to accumulate knowledge related to management as an in-house lawyer working for a company. And if we had time to read and talk with others rather than read books alone, we expected that we would be able to make valuable time in addition to learning. The business book reading club started with 7 members supported by the KICA, and now 13 lawyers are registered as members.
Golf club
is a club where people interested in golf can always join regardless of their skills and enjoy golf more comfortably than any other club. The Screen Golf Club first offered an opportunity to get to know each other by talking about golf on a regular monthly basis. Since then, we have been organizing field rounding twice to three times a year since 2017. We would like to have more field rounding rather than screen golfing as the number of lawyers attending the club increases gradually.
Walking club
is an open club where people walks together and finds a balance in life. Walking club talks about life through walking activities anywhere in Seoul, such as Dulegil, Hangang Park, and downtown with 20 lawyers. We want you to walk with us and take care of your health and improve quality of life.
mountain club