Pursuing mutual cooperation with academic institutions, media outlets, judiciary organizations, and various international organizations by robust communication with external stakeholders.
Department of Social Service
Supporting various activities of in-house lawyers in order to increase the well-being in our society. Planning and conduct donation recruitment events for the underprivileged, continuously collaborating with child care centers, and support external activities.
Department of Culture
Seeking "KICA with people and culture." A space for communication between members in the fields of culture and art. Organizing regular workshops, night of members, and monthly meetings, as well as a tour of restaurants, watch movie, and sports events. Enjoy and feel the culture of diversity and inclusion in KICA.
Department of Legal Process Improvement
Department of Press and Media
언론·미디어분과는 방송통신, 엔터테인먼트, 콘텐츠 업계에 종사하는 사내변호사들의 모임입니다. 정기 모임을 통해 업계 지식과 경험을 나누며 지금까지 방송프로그램 포맷, 방송사 노무이슈, 언론중재사건 처리 기술, 외주드라마의 저작권 귀속의 문제, 미디어 분야 M&A 실무 등 언론미디어 분야에서 자주 다뤄지는 이슈에 대한 깊이 있는 스터디 발제와 세미나 개최가 있었습니다. 앞으로도 언론미디어 분야 사내변호사들의 친목과 발전의 장이 되고자 합니다.
Department of Distribution and Platform
유통·플랫폼분과는 새로운 사업 방식과 그에 대한 새로운 규제가 활발히 형성되어 가고 있는 온/오프라인 유통 분야에서, 기업 경영에 중대한 영향을 미칠 수 있는 법률적, 정책적, 그리고 기술적 이슈에 대하여 전문가를 모시고 함께 배우고 논의하고 고민하며 서로 응원하고 정도 나누는 공간입니다.
Department of Policy
Sharing and discussing major legal and regulatory policy trends that can have a significant impact on corporate management. Helping in-house counsels not only to carry out passive legal advice or post-conflict resolution tasks within the company, but also to proactively establish and implement relevant strategies within the company, giving them the opportunity to participate more closely in the management of the company.
Department of Heavy Industry
Department of Compliance
Creating a culture of compliance management within a company by supporting compliance monitoring.
Department of Healthcare
Department of ADR
Helping in-house counsels understand and assist in resolving alternative disputes other than litigation through research and training for the activation of ADR, including arbitration and mediation in various claims specialized areas where arbitration has been utilized such as international transactions, construction and shipping.